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Review of "The Complete
Video Guide to EDT"

Video product by Charles Staley

When it comes to training, there are three key things I look for in a program to tell me if it's going to be effective or not.

1. Is it practical? Meaning, can it actually be done without requiring a ton of specialized equipment and without taking way too much time for most people to use on a regular basis? Also, can it be used by any level of trainer (beginner to advanced), age or gender?

2. Is the program well communicated so that the user can easily understand HOW to perform the training without much trouble?

3. Is the mechanism (or mechanisms) by which it claims to operate a scientifically-proven one, or at the very least (if no direct research has been done on it), it is scientifically plausible?

Review - The Complete Video Guide to EDT

This 3 step test is what I use when judging training programs (my own included!).

Back to the review...

I'll go through each step in the test, apply it to Escalating Density Training (the core concept being explained in the Video Guide) then let you know my thoughts on the product itself and how it explains EDT.


The basic concept of EDT is a relatively simple one. It's density training, meaning you're attempting (over the course of successive workouts) to do more reps within a set time period, gradually increasing the DENSITY of your workload, i.e. if you do 40 reps in 15 minutes then do 50 reps in 15 minutes the next week with the same weight, you've increased your training density.

So basically how EDT works is that you take a 15 minute block of time and select two exercises. Charles recommends two antagonistic muscle groups like back and chest in a block. This helps prevent fatigue and actually helps activate the nervous system more effectively - working antagonistic muscle like this is a VERY powerful training technique.

In that 15 minute block of time, you attempt to perform as many reps of both of those exercises as possible, going back and forth between sets of each, e.g. 5 reps chest, then 5 reps back, then 5 reps chest, taking as much or as little rest time as you like.

Here's the key...you're NOT training to failure. You're staying AWAY from failure so that you can PERFORM better and get more reps. When you stay short of failure, your body doesn't accumlate metabolic waste products as quickly and you'll be able to perform more reps for a longer period.

You'll accomplish by training volume what other programs attempt to accomplish with training intensity.

The other main benefit is that your muscles will be able to generate more average power of the course of those reps than if you went to failure. Charles explains this very cool concept all in detail on the EDT page (which you can view by clicking here).

Bottom line, your muscles not only get trained with a good amount of volume, they also get trained for more power, which makes you STRONGER much faster than with conventional training. It's a potent combination, which I can tell you from experience is VERY effective.

So let's apply out 3 step test to EDT...



As I mentioned above, EDT utilizes 15 minute blocks of time called PR Zones (PR stands for Personal Record - this is key so remember that!). The starting point when being EDT is to work with one PR Zone. This makes your workout exactly 15 minutes long.

From a time standpoint, 15 minutes is a VERY reasonable amount of time. Even with performing one PR Zone per workout, you're going to get results. This only needs to be done 3 times a week to get results.

So 15 minutes, 3 times a week...that is DEFINITELY practical, even for the busiest of people.

The next level is to perform TWO PR Zones in a workout - this allows you to work 4 exercises in a session. This is the level I find I gravitate to. It gives me a nice balance of workload and doesn't result in too long of a workout.

The final level is a THREE PR Zone session. This is useful if you're an advanced trainer and your recovery systems are highly tuned. I've tried a three PR Zone session but found that for me, the volume was too much all at once. I prefer to do the two PR Zone sessions but more frequently so I'm not knocking down my recovery system so much each time.


The next question about practicality is does EDT require specialized equipment or even regular GYM equipment in order to be performed effectively?

And the answer to that is a resounding, NO. In fact, EDT is one of the few systems that I've found to be very effective with just about ANY exercise you can imagine.

You can use it at home OR at the gym, using whatever exercises and equipment you have available to you. Naturally, the more equipment you have access to, the more options you'll have. Gym equipment will also allow you to use more mass-oriented exercises like squats and deadlifts.

But doing chins-up for a 15 minute PR Zone will challenge even the strongest trainer. I can attest to that from my own experience!

Who Can Use EDT?...

That's the beauty of the EDT system. It can be used by absolutely ANYBODY, from the total beginner to the very advanced athlete, the EDT system adapts to whatever workload you're capable of.

You're competing against YOURSELF, not some arbitrary standard. You're competing against what YOU did in your last session! For example, if you did 42 reps of the bench press last week (your PR), in order to improve and progress, you need to get more than 42 reps THIS week.

You're competing against the standards you set yourself and by beating those standards, you AUTOMATICALLY progress.

It really is that simple.

And if you're at all competitive you're going to fighting to beat those records on a weekly basis, too.

Bottom line here, it really doesn't matter if you've never touched a weight in your life. You can do a 15 minute PR Zone and get 10 reps with just the bar on a bench press. As long as you get 11 reps next week, you're improving.

If you're advanced, you're going to be selecting tougher exercises, using more weight and probably pushing yourself harder and faster. But the BASICS of the program remain the same...more reps within the time frame. It's just elegant in it's simplicity.

This program is right now in use by men, women, young and old (I think 78 years is the oldest I know of).

So don't think for a second you can't use this because you're over 60 or 70 or even 80. Or if you're a woman who doesn't want to "bulk up" (women don't have the hormonal apparatus to gain monster muscles - I always say I WISH I could gain muscle as fast as many women FEAR that they will).


Absolutely. As you can see from my quick explanation above, the concept of doing more work within a specific timeframe is really not that hard to grasp. This is the core of Escalating Density Training. Charles does a nice job of explaining how EDT works in the Video Guide.

The other great thing about the Video Guide is that you will also get to see two ACTUAL PR Zones, performed by a few of Charles' fellow trainers as he explains what's going on all the way through each one. These are actual Personal Records for both these guys (could be the pressure to perform on camera!) so you'll see EXACTLY what a full PR Zone looks like.

Learning by reading is one thing. Learning by WATCHING is a step above. When you DO a PR ZONE, you'll know what you're doing every step of the way.

Which brings me to the next point about communication...

In the Video Guide, Charles and Tim Larkin (one of the other trainers I was telling you about) go into great detail about how the mechanics of the program work...things you might right into, problems that could crop up, and, most importantly, HOW you can SOLVE each and every one of them.

There is some excellent troubleshooting advice not only for EDT itself but for training in general. You can apply a lot of it to pretty much any program you're using.

"The Complete Video Guide to EDT" will have you up and running with EDT right after you finish watching it.


Honestly, this is where EDT really shines.

Here it is right now in black and white...muscles don't have brains...they don't KNOW that the fancy program you're on is supposed to build muscle and strength.

All your muscles know is that they are told to contract to move a resistance. They know that if the workload that they're subjected to is greater than what they have experienced before, they need to get larger and stronger to be prepared for it next time.

And that's about all they know.

EDT reduces training to this very basic level, simplifying things for your muscles. One week you do 42 reps of bench press with 200 lbs.

"Okay," think your muscles, "let's prepare for doing that again next week."

But next week, you perform 50 reps with 200 lbs.

"Okay," think your muscles, "let's rebuild so that we're bigger and stronger so we can handle 50 reps next week."

And so on...every time you increase that workload, your muscles HAVE NO CHOICE but to adapt by getting bigger and stronger. You're pretty much giving your body NO CHOICE but to get results.

Then when your muscles have adapted really well to that number of reps, you increase the weight and force to adapt AGAIN.

I'll use the old suntan analogy here - the best way to get a tan is not to go out in the sun for 5 hours the first time. You go out for 15 minutes and build a base. Then you gradually increase your time in the sun to increase your "tanning workload". It's the same thing with EDT.

But the key difference with EDT is this...you don't ever "burn" yourself with EDT! The increase in workload is based completely on the size of the base you've built up, meaning you can only progress at the rate your body is capable of so you're not pushing TOO hard and actually setting yourself back!

This is a real problem with a lot of training programs. There is no systemized method for increasing workload. With EDT, the whole PREMISE of the system is on systematically increasing workload.

As I keep saying, the design is just elegant in it's simplicity. The theory of it is scientifically valid and the results you'll get with the program bear that out.


Yes, there are things that I don't like about EDT but many of them just spring from own personal training preferences. Heck, these things may actually be POSITIVES from your standpoint!

1. Limited Training Variety

I'm a notorious "mad scientist" in the gym. I tend to invent new exercises and training techniques almost every time I set foot in the gym. When using EDT, because you're sticking with just two exercises in each PR Zone, it does limit the training variety at work in the program.

Here's the thing...for most people, limited training variety can be a GOOD thing. In my experience, many people actually use TOO MUCH variety in their training. The body doesn't get a consistent stimulus to adapt to and progress goes nowhere. With EDT, because you keep working with the same exercises, the stimulus is consistent and your body can adapt very effciently.

For me, I've gotten around this issue by changing up one or more PR Zone exercises in every third or fourth session, kind of like auditioning a new member of the cast when the lead is out sick. If it works better, I'll keep it in the line up. If it's not as good, I'll bring back the original.

This keeps me mentally focused while still providing the consistent training stimulus.

2. The "Easy" First Few Minutes

This springs from my own bias and tendency to work myself too hard. At the start of EDT, you're staying pretty far away from failure (e.g. you're doing 5 rep sets with a weight you could normally get 10 reps with).

It can be tough to force yourself to throttle back the first few times you do EDT. But believe me, when you push too hard at the start and you're at minute 13 and you're struggling to get single reps with a weight you blew out easy reps with at the beginning, it's a humbling experience.

If you're a trainer that likes to get "eased into" the harder sections of a program, EDT is PERFECT for you. You'll start fairly easy and the reps will get harder very gradually. Towards the middle and end THAT is where you'll really be pushing yourself.

It's great for injury prevention, to be honest. You're never pushing yourself too hard when you're cold.


Just kidding :). Well, no, not really... I've got a lot of respect for Charles and I think the basis of this program is a stoke of genius. He's really boiled it down to the basics. I HAVE modified some aspects of the program, though, to better match my own preferences but the overall concept of EDT is just phenomenal.

It really IS so simple that you won't even believe it'll work. In that simplicity lies a LOT of power.


"The Complete Video Guide to EDT" is an excellent product. EDT itself is an extremely useful training program that can be used by absolutely ANYBODY. The videos do a very nice job of explaining how EDT works and many ways you can adapt and fine-tune the program to maximize your results.

This is a powerful, information-packed product and definitely worth the price, especially when you consider all the bonuses you're going to get with it.

And, if you ARE interested in learning more about EDT before purchasing it, we offer 5 sample videos taken directly from the Video Guide so you can see and hear the type of information you'll be getting. You can sign up to receive those when you click on the link below.

Learn more about "The Complete Video Guide to EDT"

Review - The Complete Video Guide to EDT


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